How it took the world by storm

Everybody knows that it doesn’t take much for a trend to go around. The younger/newer the generation, the easier it is for them to catch on to anything and Fortnite just happened to be one of those things.

At first Fortnite was just a game that was fun to play with friends, but then it sparked and became more about who gets the most wins, who has the better skins, and who is the highest ranked player.

Fortnite was not always this way, the first ever edition of Fortnite was introduced in 2014 at the 2011 Spike Video Game Awards, but then it wasn’t all the rage like it is now. When Battle Royale came out in 2017 it was like a kid experiencing a sugar rush.

People started become obsessed and the statistics are just insane – see for yourself –

In the past 2 years the game has become so much more advanced, like now there are all kinds of skins; rare skins, favourite skins, and original skins. Now, there is also a creative mode where you can make music and create whatever your heart desires.

Pros – Battle Royale designed to be a blank slate for vivid personal stories. Once inside the game, it’s easy to be swept up in the travails and adventures of your avatar.

Every time the battle bus cruises over the island, a hundred narratives unfold.

It’s easy to play home with a lot of friends and you can also take it out on the road if it’s downloaded on your phone or tablet.

Cons – While it looks like a cuddly and cozy Pixar movie from the outside, it’s packed with violence and parents should be cautious allowing any younger or sensitive child to play or even watch closely.

Since the players can talk to each other through the game it can be really easy to get bullied on there.

With so much screen time while playing this game, it takes away time from doing anything else that is so much more important.

links for more – – music – – dance –

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